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Cannibal Attraction by SirMeo

Cannibal Attraction


God-Eater Vincere the Red King

He likes overly pompus titles and nick-names and collects them like some people collect coins or something. He likes to be theatrical - like, if there is a chance to knock the door just as the clock strikes midnight he'd rather wait for that than knock on five to midnight. Things like that.

He was born originally somewhere on late 15th century as a mortal man and eventually grew to be a professional soldier/mercenary with renowed skill and power. This managed to raise not only mortal interests but also otherworldly interests as he was eventually approached by a demon who hired him to kill an angel. Ultimately, Vincere succeeded, but was mortally wounded, and the demon left him to die. At this point his career and work had however also piqued Lucifer's, who stepped in and told Vincere that eating the flesh and drinking the blood of the angel he'd just killed would prevent Vincere from dying.

Vincere did as he was instructed, with really nothing to lose at that point.

And it worked.

It also made him not human.

Nowadays Vincere is generally considered a pseudo-deity or high demon. Unlike actual deities who require worship and belief to maintain their powers and tie them properly to the world he can act withot actually giving a damn due his human side. On the flip side he also cannot get more powerful by having people believe in him, so he needs to steal powers from other creatures to grow in power. He achieves this mainly by eating those other things alive, so, ugh, essentially his superpower is eating things. It is not at all restricted to physical things so it's not as lame as one would think; it can be with some creativity be used to eat more abstract concepts such as memories, personalitites, souls and, say, your ability to perceive the color blue or the last three years from your life-span, for example. He can also choose not to fully integrate these things he's eaten to his... well, his being and can, uh, regurgiate for a lack of better term, these things back. Sometimes people approach him solely to trade things with him.

Born as a human he usually uses his humanoid form, but he is capable of having a more monstrous form aswell.

That monster form is less of a cool beast and more of a giant slime moster though.

Then there is also other shit but this'll do for now i think

Matured for blood.

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