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Commission - Frisky Lime - excavation by Adalore

Commission - Frisky Lime - excavation


Each thunderous swing brought down great showers of gravel, this was the best part of the job, bulk material removal. No need for any of that precision or measuring thrice and cutting once. All furious swinging until it was naught but dust. Frisky was pulled from his job by the administrator to excavate a different chunk of the tunnels. This process was always tiresome, waiting for the power line to be removed, hauling everything over to the new segment of the stone wall. It was so much easier to just dig away than to have the task changed, that made him have to think.

Employee Designation : Frisky Lime

Specialization title : Adaptable Construction Tech

Retained traits
Relentlessly continues a task until it is completed.
Strong resistance to dissociation - thus higher tolerance to form and function change.

Template : Heavy Construction - Extreme strength for size, downside is excess heat and high power requirements. Tends to upper end size frames for leverage over construction materials. Heatsinks to drop off heat and hardware links with high capacity power arrays to conduit energy to power tools.

Administrator notes - Employee is an exceptional at heavy labor vastly outpacing inhibited employees, however due to their single minded nature at work makes it necessary to keep work varied to prevent solidification of their mind. Regular large scale respecialization is recommended for long term employment.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital