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Ref Sheet Comish - Athina by TwilightSaint

Ref Sheet Comish - Athina


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Painted (Lineless!) Reference Sheet Commission for VickyVild of DeviantArt, featuring Athina, the dragoness!

Whew, I haven't done a ref like this since my last of Muzafr's a couple years ago! XD Being completely lineless, this ref was a hella lot of work, but turned out really awesome. The character is so expressive, which so much backstory and thought put into her, she was just a pleasure to work on! I feel like my Painting work seriously leveled up after this! XD

All text provided by the commissioner.

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Thanks so much, Vicky!


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    this lovely work reminds me that i still need to go back and commission a ref from you for my dragon ya did a year or so back :)

    keep up the awesome work buddy.