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Jetroids Chapter 12 by Surge64

Jetroids Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Aero vs Vaxtus

From the safety of their ledge, Sakura and Yuesbi watched the battle around them, from Aero and Vaxtus battling above the city, to the goons and officers fighting in the city streets.

"Man this is intense" Sakura said.

"Yeah, I wish there was something I could do to help." Yuesbi said.

"Hm, ok. Do you want to come with me. I have a plan to beat Vaxtus, and you can take part."

She took Yuesbi to a gadgets plant in the city. There were tons of neat gadgets at the facility.

Sakura showed Yuesbi a long, missile-like device. "This is a disruption bomb." she said to him. "It is capable of destroying a machine's internal components with electrical charge when fired at something mechanical, making it very lethal."

"Sounds cool. So what's the plan?"

"I will have you carry this up and fire it at Vaxtus."

"Sweet! I can even use my new tracker I made to lock onto him. It's a multipurpose tracker."

"Ok." Sakura said. "To avoid detection, I'm going to install a cloaking device in you. It can allow you to turn invisible and be undetected even by radar."

"That's so cool!" Yuesbi excitedly said.

Meanwhile, above the city, Aero and Vaxtus were fighting each other, both refusing to back down.

"I never meant for it to come to this." Vaxtus said right before firing missiles at Aero. Aero did complex manuevers to avoid them.

"It's too late for regrets now Vaxtus." Aero said, drawing his machines guns to shoot Vaxtus. Bullets that were fired hit Vaxtus' leg engines, but didn't do enough damage to destroy him.

Meanwhile, Yuesbi had a claoking device implanted into him by Sakura. Sakura had attached the disruption bomb to a hardpoint on Yuesbi's wing.

"Good luck." she said to Yuesbi. Yuesbi then lifted off and activated his cloaking device.

Jetroids Chapter 12


The twelveth chapter of Jetroids.

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Literary / Story