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Way of all Flesh by Tonin

Way of all Flesh

Way of all Flesh

Linger, oh please, linger
You ghosts of time long gone
Linger just a little more
Before you shuffle on

Stars, they burn out from the sky
And time makes dust of stone
All of us are but a flash
That fades away unknown

But linger, oh please, linger
I don't want you to leave
I need more than your memory
To hold me as I grieve

Stay, decay more slowly
Pray hold the tide at bay
Let me know you one last time
Before you fade away

--Tonin, August 28, 2015

Way of all Flesh


You can never hold on tight enough.

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Literary / Poetry / Lyrics


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    You're good at the more sobering, contemplative pieces.

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      Thanks. Morbid is a specialty of mine. ;3

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        Do you think you could try your hand at a more cheerful work?

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          I've done some. Mostly love poems, or full of silly puns.

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    Aw. It's kind of... You die two times, first time when you're physically dead, second time when they forget you. So there must be two crisis, two fights for life, two last breaths, two burials (first the body, then the data), and two requiems. And this song is telling about the second time.

    It's like... the last view of your old desktop before you wipe the drive and reinstall everything. All you want is to delay the format for tomorrow, click the old icons for, one, last time... :3

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      That tension between knowing nothing lasts, and wanting to preserve things anyway is always interesting.
      Thanks for reading. ^^