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Familial Defines (ReokuKurosai) by BlueKittyTales

Familial Defines (ReokuKurosai)


September 27th, 2009

It had been some time since she'd had a break from the extensive touring her new band had embarked on, and several times now, she had cut her fingers on her guitar from overplaying. She didn't know how she'd be able to handle one of the next songs that was being written for the album they were recording, which was nearly nine minutes in length. On several occasions, she'd wondered how their previous vocalist had managed to damage his larynx during the fateful concert, yet the one who had replaced him had been able to handle every range called of him with no trouble despite this being his first time in a band.

Her recording studio had called the band in that morning for another recording session, but she was feeling prepared. She had not seen her father for some time, who she held very close to her heart when he'd saved her and her brother from their psychotic mother on her thirteenth birthday, when she'd tried to kill both of them and herself. Closer still she had become to him when she kept him alive following a near fatal car accident several years later that cost him his left arm, and had helped him build up the newsagent he'd always dreamed of running. Contact between them was frequent, although had become more sporadic during Lindsey's tours. She decided to stop there on her way to the studio, where she found him signing his order forms for his stock. And their eyes lit up at each other's sights.

"Daddy!" she called. "Hiya!"

"Hello there, Lindsey!" he cried as she ran towards him, before they caught each other in a tight hug.

"Oh, I've missed you so much." said Lindsey.

"You know," he smiled, "I haven't seen Nancy come here recently."

Another piece of great artwork from my dear and treasured bro ReokuKurosai ReokuKurosai comes this way, and heartfelt is the moment; this warmed my heart the first time I saw it. I wanted an excuse to get Lindsey drawn again, and when this idea came into my mind, I knew I just had to go for it. Thanks again, mate! <3

Both characters belong to me.

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