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(40 mins) Nurlurth Speedpainting by Pachabel

(40 mins) Nurlurth Speedpainting


I've mentioned Nurlurth (or his son Alex) a lot in Han's streams. Now ya'll know what he looks like.

For context, in Han and I's RP world, Nurlurth is essentially the stand in for the sun given that the world is hidden under the crust of the earth and well....still need heat and stuff!

He also makes bad dad jokes.

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Visual / Digital


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    Giant lava stag?

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      Giant Eldritch Lava Stag c:

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        OOooooooo. Wait... what happens to him when it rains?

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          Nothing. Rain is also controlled by a spirit like him and it knows better than to rain on Nurlurth.

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            Oh... Well, what if by some miraculous or otherwise happening that he gets wet somehow? XD

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              For someone to actually see the entirety of Nurlurth they have to be standing at least 3 miles away. He'd evaporate most water that touches him instantly. The only spirit-totem with enough water to actually do any damage to his fire doesn't enter his territory and spends about 90% of her time mothering everybody into submission.

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                Haha. The mothering spirit-token reminds me of my mom. XD

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                  She literally takes the spirits of the drowned and makes them her children.

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    Oooooo I wanna know more about this guy!

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      I feel like 'giant fire spirit' and 'makes bad dad jokes' encompasses all anybody needs to know about him rofl