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[C] The end of the fight by Echoes of Light (Soulscape) by Watcher Rat

[C] The end of the fight by Echoes of Light (Soulscape)

Watcher Rat

I got this commission at BLFC 2015, and it is damn amazing :D Art was all done by Soulscape/Echoes of Light on FA, AKA on here, and it makes me super happy. And there's a story to go with it...

The rain continued to pour; the water was cold, but he welcomed it. He was almost surprised that his body wasn't steaming, every muscle burned with exertion as he struggled even to remain upright. His armor hung awkwardly from his body; it had helped, but the damage was too great...he was far too exposed in what remained of his coverings to be safe in any fashion.

It had been foolish to engage when he was at such a disadvantage in numbers and muscle, but what other choice had there been? Let them come, unopposed, to tear apart everything he held dear? No, things had actually been rather simple in that regard. He could have tried to run, but there would have been no living with himself after that...the shame would have been worse than a thousand deaths. Better to fight here, the others had no doubt had more than enough time to flee after he sounded the alarm and went alone into battle.

Trembling. That's what reminded him how very tired he was, his arms and legs shook furiously for a moment as his concentration flagged, but he willed them to be still. He had given everything he had and more for this fight, and taken more than a few of his opponents down while doing so, but the blood loss was starting to catch up with him and they knew it. They drew back and regrouped, but all too quickly his opponents were drawing near. They were still wary of him though, how could they not be when looking at the bodies of their fallen comrades? Of course, it would not matter...he would fight, but his first misstep would signal his death. The end of this life, he would await the next and hope his sacrifice made him worthy of a peaceful existence.

They were drawing near now. Gathering himself into a stance for the last time, he made ready...if he could hobble some of them, it would guarantee the safety of the others. His friends, his family, would all live this day. That's how it should be. His life, in exchange for dozens. A true sacrifice. A warrior's sacrifice. He grit his teeth, preparing for the rush.

It was all over now, except for the screaming. He was ready.

"Alright you freaks. Come and take me, if you dare."

Submission Information

Visual / Digital