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Avatar for SparkyTheFox


Sparky The Fox / Male / Wyoming, MI

Commissions: Sometimes

SparkyTheFox's Shouts

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    Hey there, I ran into you through that song you just put up. You may or may not recognize me, but I'm the admin of Furry Musicians back on FA. I was thinking of making another sister group here, on this site. Would you be interested in something like that? I'm testing the water, per say.



    • Link

      I think I recognize ya. But yeah, sure! I've been improving since. For a second I misread your title and thought you said you used to be the Music Admin on FA. You should be anyways =n=

      • Link

        Alright. You're the first guy I've asked. Lets ask another! I'll link ya if I choose to make this group possible!