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Avatar for Jive


the eyebrow king

Commissions: Open
Trades: Sometimes
Requests: Closed

Jive's Shouts

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    headbutts Meow

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    Heyoo! Got a lil WiP for ya! Lemme know if anything needs changing :3

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      oop, i thought i replied on fa, i'm so sorry! life has been a hectic mess, and my memory is pretty shot, i'll admit. T:
      but in any case, i think it looks great so far, and so does she. no need for any revisions that i can see!

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        Np, I completely understand <:3 I'll have her done for yall inna flash! Thankses! <3

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    Hello! Love your art and animations! <: and another INTJ, oh my!

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    I became a vegeterian again and this time I have been a vegetarian since January this year..

    I eat dairy and egg products very rarely tough

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    Aah! I notice your not active on FA anymore but would you consider doing that headbase commission if the species was changed to a possum? I relate with them more than anything recently.

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      I might! I love opossums. Drop me a private message with a little more info, please?

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    A fellow vegan INTJ! Hi there. :D

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      There's a surprising number of us, given how few INTJs there are... and how few vegans. The overlap is pretty significant!
      Plus points for goat icon, hi!

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    Thank you for following me!!

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    Where can I find your commission prices?

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      I usually just do pay what you want style commissions! If you wanna message me with what you'd like, though, we can figure something out. :>

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    Hi there! I just had to bid on your Gryphon fursuit, he's so lovely!!! hopefully more people bid so the reserve can be met soon!! ;u; I really want him! would you ever consider selling him outright?

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      Hello! I was pleasantly surprised to see the bids this afternoon actually since last time, the bidding was really slow... and then I realized everyone was at AC. Oops.
      I would, but I'm not sure if furbuy would allow me to pull the auction since bids have been made now! But it's only 60 away from the reserve at the moment! :>

      And thank you so much for the compliments and interest! I'm so pleased with how he turned out.

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    Hey there! Saw your auction for the Gryphon fursuit! I was wondering where I could email you about it! I am really interested, it's beautifully done!

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      Hi! Are you the one who left the last comment on my auction? Just checking because they have a rule against posting your email there so I can just shoot you a note here and avoid accidentally upsetting the furbuy admins if so.
      I'll message you here with my email!

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    This is belated. Haha, yes, hello! I do RP, a lot actually.
    I should be more active here, but I always forget it exists.

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      I didn't respond to this and I feel like a heel, so no worries about belated replies.
      RP is basically my life anymore, honestly. It's a good creative outlet.

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    Hey this is Denny-The-Nidorina from Fa. I made a new account on here because I forgot my username and password for my old one

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      Hey, welcome to weasyl! If you want back in your old account, I think you can contact the admins. They seem pretty helpful, so far.
      Also, I answered your question on veganfurs, back on FA, regarding tofu. If you want some tofu recipes, I'll be glad to share my favorites!

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    Thank you for following me! I really like your style for ponies, it's very unique!

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    ahhhh what cute art!! u wu

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      Thank you! It's all ponies recently, but there's other stuff in there too.

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    ahhhh what cute art!! u wu

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    Hello fellow intj. It amuses me how advertising your mbti type is a thing now. eoe
    Thank y' kindly for the follow! Have one in return.

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      I always like finding other INTJs, even though I seem to be completely inextricably attracted to INFPs. Not sure why that is.
      I like the MBTI thing! And enneagram, but that's less common. It's fun to see how people vary in how they think and interact with the world. Humans are interesting things.
      And if that's not an INTJ thing to come outta my mouth, I dunno what is.

      Ope, and thanks for the follow.

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        Apparently being attracted to INFPs is an INTJ thing, haha! Or so I've been told. Yes! That's more or less the reason I like it. The human psyche is so interesting and the MBTI offers an amusing perspective on why people are how they are, which has always been a curiosity of mine. Ahhh, I digress— I haven't checked out the enneagram, though I keep meaning to.

        Yeah! Right back at you. uvu

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    don't even know man, meow or something

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      myaow schee, myaow
      (got your note over on FA, hey, hi, what's the easiest way to talk?)

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        skype, i'll note it to you c:

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    Hallo again Jive! And so many thanks for following me over here :3

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    thank youuuu <3

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      you're absolutely welcome!
      (I keep thinking of strider because of your username and I don't know if that's intentional or not)

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        (omfg your banner) also yes you may think of dave strider bc its partially intentional :3c besides one of my aliases being dave i also like the reference to homestuck so im totally cool with that

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          (wink wonk)
          I just got through Act 6, Act 1, myself. Still lots of catching up to do!

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            Oh man. You're getting there though!! ;u; You probably will be able to catch up before the final update!!

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              Ahaha, I keep hearing this, but I have no idea when this mystical update is supposed to happen. I was lucky to make it this far! Hugeass comicgamething.

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                Nobody knows when the update will be, but it's possible that...unless Hussie is unable to finish anything by this time, it could come on April 13th... since... that's when he started the comic almost (5?) years ago. I wouldn't doubt that, but, then again, he might just post it when he eventually finishes. It's been................maybe 3 months now I think..? And he's been working on his game and he also was working on Namco High (but that's out now so he's done with that) so I'm not quite sure how far he might be with it..? But he's going to be posting it all at once so the internet will probably die under the wrath of possibly millions of bloodthirsty update-needy homestucks trying to get to the site all at once. Tumblr will be flooded as well I'm sure.

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    thanks for the follow ^^

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    dude i don't personally really know you but you've followed me on FA for a while and from your journals and content you're rad as hell and literally one of my favorite people in this "fandom" thinger

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      I'm flattered, dude, thank you. It's always nice to hear stuff like that, since mostly, the negative comments stick out in my mind.

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    Thank you for the follow uvu

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    thanks bunches for the follow, man.

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    What's up bro!?

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      I finally get on this lovely site and I lost my tablet pen! Lost it so bad I can't find it. Looked for hours. T:

      I like your username!

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        Thanks man!

        And nooooo, use your secret tablet sense to summon it to you!