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Avatar for ghosttown


ghosttown / (he/him/his) / Denmark

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ghosttown's Shouts

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    Was wondering why you werent so active on the other sites! But now its all good yo!

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      Oh, which sites do you mean? With furaffinity, it was mostly all those shifty shenanigans with the admins and the site in general and all that. The rest I sort of just forget to use, hahah. I'm not super great at being present online as you've probably noticed with the lack of activity here as well heheh ;v;

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        Yeah Furaffinity! The Admins arent the issue for me its the illegal stuff I've seen users been doing that made me question the site and contact the FBI.

        But good on ya, this place is chill is like the west coast.

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    I really like your character designs!

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    your icon.... is so cute

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      omg.....thank you so much ;v;

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    It's nice to see talented artists moving to this site!! uvu/

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      Ahahah yeah, honestly I've been thinking of moving for a little while, FA's recent security breach was just a good chance to kick my butt in gear. Thank you for the lovely compliment ;//v//;

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        Aaa no prob man! Tbh i wasn't really sure about weasyl until recently, it really is a nice site and truly deserves more attention! I haven't left Furaffinity /yet/, but hopefully over time I can fully transition to this site uvu

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          Yeah, agreed! The interface seems super user-friendly. Don't blame you for not having completely left FA though, it's a big change. & sometimes, gradual is the way to go ;v;