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Avatar for Feste-Fenris


Feste-Fenris / 38 / Male / Canada

Charity for all. All for charity.
Commissions: Closed
Trades: Closed
Requests: Closed

Feste-Fenris's Shouts

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    Dude, SHUT UP

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    sorry dude, already had to tell you off on fa for repeatedly trying to rope me into rp.

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    This person also has an FA account which they harassed me from, repeatedly insisting on RP despite me telling them no and then rambling about their charity work over and over. Then they sent me messages here asking for same, even though it clearly says on my account that I don't use this site anymore.

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    You've given me many happy memories and memes to share with my friends, love ya fam, you utter weird pervert. Now give me my smurfs or else.

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    he never sent me an RP request, im feeling jipped.

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    Weird and here I thought I was the only one this person kept poking at. Not only on here but on FA every couple Months or so. It's... Weird.

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      Oh good, I was wondering what the heck that message was about. Guess it's just a mass advertisement and I'm not the only one getting them.

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      Okay, so it seems this person keeps repeatedly messaging others, too. Just got a second message from him myself. First was asking to RP, which I ignored. Then a second message was just saying he just wanted to talk. So I guess it's safe to say we can all just block him, especially if he doesn't get the message when people ignore him, and keeps messaging them.

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    I see I'm not the only one being harassed by these annoying "Wanna RP?" messages lmao
    Just gonna go ahead and ignore you fam

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    I do not like being creepily accosted in my DMs here for an RP. I am uninterested in this & especially not just from someone randomly messaging me out of the blue. Please do not continue to do this most do not appreciate this kind of behavior.

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    Fuck off

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    sorry but I don't really accept random friend requests from strangers.. ^-^;

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    Kick Rocks

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    Don't ask me for porn RPs, I don't do that and I don't know you. It's rude.

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      Glad I'm not the only one getting that weird message. How it would benefit charity is beyond me, and they refused to answer.

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        From what I can tell the guy has some sort of fetish surrounding it. He apparently can't figure out how to manage his kinks or the weird messages are part of it, idk.

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          I mean.. At least he could write more than two words if he wants someone to RP. Even if I was potentially interested, which I'm not, why would I want to RP with someone that can't even form a complete sentence?

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    Thank you for the watch!
    A bit of a generic compliment, but just to display your kindness didn't go unnoticed!

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    I don't really accept friend requests from people I don't know. ^^;

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    Thank you for the friend request! ;3

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    If you're ever interested in watching bits of it, it's a charity web show, called "Games Done Quick".

    These are video game speed-runs, that are about clearing the game as quick as necessary and possible; done by professional gamers! (Professionals that play video games, for a good cause, where they raise funds, to help others!)

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    Thanks for faving!