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Dragonespada's Shouts

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    Sorry, I'm just taking a break from selling the book because it's a pain in the butt sending out tons of invoices for only 10$ (I'm living in England atm, so 10$ isn't worth much here). I might open them up again when I have the time to send out a bunch of invoices, but at the moment I don't. If I do, I will post a new journal with the information. Thanks!

    • Link

      Ah. So you mean you will upgrade price a bit before re open right? Ok. So sorry to contact you in a wrong way. Oh and why don't you close form for awhile since you don't want to do it for now? And sorry again to see your tutorial so late. Never thought you did until 1 year pass. Shame on me.

      • Link

        Oh and let me guess a bit . Will "I send money to you" also have tax issue? Just curious a bit. Hope this is alright. (I don't know taxation. :( )

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          Tax isn't an issue, I just add it in with my price so the customer doesn't have to worry about it.