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Avatar for ClemicalTheCreature


Female / On some planet in some random atmosphere

Commissions: Closed
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Requests: Sometimes

ClemicalTheCreature's Shouts

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    Oh your tutorials look pretty cool actually! Welcome to the site as well!

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      Thank you, I do my best to improve tutorials when I can. ^ u ^

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        It is good that you can do them, since we all think a little differently any way. So to some people they are really useful and can help them learn something new. So it is great for that. Since we all learn in different ways. If that makes sense?

        How is your character section going?

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          Yeah that makes sense.
          My character section is still empty right now because I want to make new pictures for my characters and since I am already busy with other things it's taking me more time to make them. But hopefully I can upload in the character section soon because I am dying to introduce Chameleon.

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            I see, that is why all mine isn't there. Since even though I know I could update it with new art when I want to. I think I would prefer to just have new art!