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Avatar for blsh


blsh / 36 / Male / Sunny Florida

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blsh's Shouts

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    eyelash game so strong it could benchpress

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      You too could have thicker, fuller lashes almost immediately if you just became a cartoon.
      And, thank you.

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    Wow this is different. It is way cool to see shapes like this used for bodies. The closest I can think to something similar might be skia.

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    Stop deleting all of your stuff!! GEEZ.

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    Interesting look to your stuff. Think I'll keep an eye on you.

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      Thank you! I was starting to think that my artwork just didn't appeal to anyone on this site. I'm glad to see a few people do like it. I guess I'm a little impatient, sometimes, when waiting to see what kind of response I get to my drawings. :P

      Anyway, hope you like what I make, in the future. It'll probably be 99% pretty girls constructed with straight lines.

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        Totally get that impatience. I post to eight or nine sites now, and occasionally get decent response to stuff. This is one of the quieter sites I'm on.

        I might have to play at something similar to your look. If I turn out anything good I'll point folks your way from all my galleries for inspiring it.

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          Wow! I'm not used to inspiring other artists. I mean, I've heard from one or two people that they like my style enough to draw elements of it into their own. But, it's definitely not a common occurrence. That's rather flattering.