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BirbSeeds's Shouts

  • Link

    your stuff is so super cute!
    keep up the awesome work!
    OH! and welcome to weasyl, the place were people go when FA is offline XDDD

    • Link

      Thank you so much!
      How did you know that i transferred here
      From FA?

      • Link

        i just happened to notice that your account was made yesterday, and your posting a lot of new stuff xD
        i do the same thing. a lot of people come to weasyl when FA is down. I just wish people would STAY over here and not on FA!
        If I may, I would suggest a FurryNetwork too! If you dont already have one!

        • Link

          I have one, just the problem is that its really hard to start off fresh with no followers.
          Thats why im worried about staying here because its gonna be difficult to start climbing again.

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            it really is rough. i mean, i have like 4000 watchers over 3 different sites, FA being the biggest with over 3000 of them.
            and even with that many, its hard for me to get people to move over.
            but i wont stop tryin~ FA has been terrible for yeaaars and years

            • Link

              Oh gosh thats a lot!!
              I never got over 200 lol
              Maybe people like other forms of art I guess