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Avatar for ABD


ABD / 40 / Male / Mexico

Commissions: Open
Trades: Closed
Requests: Closed

ABD's Shouts

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    Amazing art - followed

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    Found you! ♡

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    I love your work beyond words and I hope one day I can get a beautiful piece from you in the future. ♥

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      Wow, thanks!
      I'm really trying my best to do a good job and be a better artist. I'm glad that at the very least I'm not as lost as I thought, because people like you enjoy what I do :D

      I hope to be able to work with you in the future too! I plan on opening commissions here as soon as I can put together my personal commission website in the following months.

      Don't despair! If you can keep up with me in this account, I'll promise I'll come to it eventually :)
      In the meantime, feel free to browse the entire gallery for anything you like. I'll also try to upload more frequently :)

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    Seen some of your artwork around and it's great!

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    Hi! I'm going through a list of everybody I watch on FurAffinity and re-watching them here on Weasyl. Glad I was able to find your account here!

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      Thanks! Better to have our watches in more than one place these days :P

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    *poke poke* heya ^^

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      Hihi! Glad to find you here! Will you be posting stuff here that at FA not? Should I be watching you back? :3

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        I will post here too now, I'm getting riged out of FA

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    omg,hombre, que va! que un artista de tu altura me "stalkee" es todo un honor!!!! *w*

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      jajaja ni que fuera Da Vinci XD

      Me encanta tu estilo asi que por eso te watcheo. No vaya a ser que aca postees cosas que no en otros sitios :x

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        sh! xD usted déjese piropear, sé q el complejo del artista es hacerse menos pero dibujas muy bien! y juju ya vi q tu si tienes cositas q no había visto, me echaré un clavado en tu gal >u> saludos!

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          Adelante! Aca voy a estar subiendo cosas personales, así que eso si es dificil de encontrar en FA. Me choca que alla no tengan carpetas para organizar. Saludos! A ver cuando hacemos algunos collabs juntos :D

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            un...un collab contigo??!! explota

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    I can't wait 'til you open up for commissions. You're probably one of my favorite artists and I've wanted some art from you for ages now!

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      I'll try to open commissions as soon as I can :D

      Sadly right now I'm really really busy, but I'll announce when I'm open for commissions so you and everyone know right at the point!

      And thanks for the kind words. I'm really trying my best to be a pro artist at some point ^^