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Avatar for Torreny


JJWL / Goatee / Great White North

Commissions: Sometimes
Trades: Sometimes
Requests: Sometimes
Torreny’s avatar

Rencounters of the Morn'

Perhaps it is the gently warming days as spring finally finds this windy prairie, and the loosening pressure of a long winter finally sighing way, or merely a show of the city's mettle, but I figured some might find fun with this. Below is a list of things I've witnessed, here and there, after many…

Torreny’s avatar

Wandering a Wednesday

So, apparently, Weasyl's journal markdown won't let me insert an image here. Which is too bad. So here is the test image anyway.

Torreny’s avatar

Yes, it happened, for the enjoyment of some of you.

What's my name? JJW Luscher, and that's far enough for you (unless we make introduction, my good man/lady). How tall might I be? 6'0" And my natural hair colour? Ash blonde. What's my eye colour? Blue. What is my sexual orientation? Demisexual, it seems. I used to say "pan-romantic, asexual". My re…

Torreny’s avatar

That gentle murmur...

I must say how strange it is, to have so few submission updates here than elsewhere. It's almost a relief, not having 1000+ things to sort through every time I come to the site. In time, I suppose even that bloat will seep into here too. Not yet, but in time.