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tobi3B / 43 / male / Siegen.Germany

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So yeah I try something differrent this year most people throw their resolutions a few days after New Year in the trash (I did it several times and probaby so did you all) but I need to change a few things in my life So my main Resolution this year is to lose weight but because I know how that can…

tobi3B’s avatar

Zootopia I really like this trailer it´s also a good introduction to the furry fandom ^^

tobi3B’s avatar

Only 5 days left

Hey folks only 5 day left to vote go here to vote VOTE VOTE VOTE Please if you think it´s worth it vote for the best Novel Chakat in the Alley, by James R. Jordan and for Best Published Illustration AB…

tobi3B’s avatar

Ursa Major Award

Hey folks it´s that time of the year again The voting for the Ursa Major Award opened go here to vote Please if you think it´s worth it vote for the best Novel Chakat in the Alley, by James R. Jordan a…