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Avatar for RileyGoRound


Riley Summers / 31 / Male / Out of this Earth

Riley Go Round!
Commissions: Closed
Trades: Open
Requests: Sometimes
RileyGoRound’s avatar

I'm sorry Weasyl

I've been ignoring you. FA still frustrates me, but I'm glad that they finally added folders! I'm going to play catchup with weasyl here and post stuff here first again. I'm ashamed I didn't follow my own lead and try to transfer.

RileyGoRound’s avatar

Moving from FA to Weasyl

After taking some inspiration from some other artists I follow (Cough Soulscape Cough) I will be making weasyl my primary art site. FA as a whole is starting to hurt this community. Disregarding the fact that people need that site to make a living, the inability to keep users' privacy intact, serve…