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Avatar for Reyedog


Reyedog / Documented Intersexed / Toledo/Maumee Ohio

Yesterday My Daddy Did...
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Reyedog’s avatar

My Birthday is on the 4th

Not like anyone cares . I am just too old now and really run down. I am very depressed and might do something stupid so some people have me on watch. I just don't like how things have changed lately and it is frustration that prevents me from making things and the fact my condition gets worse each…

Reyedog’s avatar

Started uploading

I started uploading this early morning just cause I cannot sleep. I might stop now and pick up again later today. Going through a lot of my old stuff before I upload newer things. Sorry if I spam anyone. I am trying to do this at hours people would be asleep.

Reyedog’s avatar

Still sorting what to upload and waiting for artist to finish moving.

Still sorting what to upload - Also waiting for some of the people i am watching to finish then i'll do my process of mass bombing you all with faves that i am watching and new ones aswell. I like how crisp images look here with little compression compared to FA and since my bulk is in 3D that i li…

Reyedog’s avatar

Uploading Soon & Thank You

I'll be uploading and moving things over from FA as soon as I get used to here, Also need to decided what goes where & all that Jazz. Finally decided to bring life into this account since it was originally made to watch one friend on here and nothing else but Things Changed!! . Hopefully this wont…