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Avatar for RadioCatastrophe


Andy / 30 / Female / Texas, USA

Futanari Queen
RadioCatastrophe’s avatar

Massive Upload: Character Art

Hello! I haven't been here in awhile, and since my returning to FA I figured I'd update this profile as well, especially since all my character info is (somewhat) saved here since Nabyn was shutdown. I'm doing a multiple uploads of art I've commissioned, of received as gift art/freebie/request/raff…

RadioCatastrophe’s avatar

..:; C U R R E N T L Y . C O M M I S S I O N I N G ;:..

A list of users/artists who I've commissioned and am waiting on for my commission(s) from. This list is condensed on my profile as well. mess1ah Booty Sketch, Derp Doodles x2, Ref Sheet, Animation Project, Auction | (3/6) (08/29/12) pirate-cashoo (FA) HQ Colored Full Body 2x Character | (0/1) (10/1…

RadioCatastrophe’s avatar

..:; T E R M S . O F . S E R V I C E ;:..

If you have any questions about anything listed here feel free to ask! Also feel free to question the legality of my Terms, I'd be happy to run them over with more experienced users as well as post them to Artists-Beware for feedback! Acceptances of Terms • By completing and submitting the form and…

RadioCatastrophe’s avatar

..:; C H A R A C T E R . U S A G E ;:..

The characters portrayed in any art (RadioCATASTROPHE, Mz Teacake/Teacake Cromwell, Oshii Kiui, etc) hosted on this account are my Intellectual Property, you do not have permission to draw them (with out permission or former consent) doing any sexual acts with another character whether it be one of…