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pixlesparks’s avatar

da account

Making an da I think itstime to come back idk how long I was offthier but time to come back

pixlesparks’s avatar


any ideas for pixles badge???? let m me know

pixlesparks’s avatar

fursuit props

Any other ways i can learn to squeak without fearing on chocking on the squeaker?? Cause im buying a sqeeker toys for fursuit propsfor today !

pixlesparks’s avatar


i need inspiration!!! give me some ideas for goldies request ! :D she wants a pic of our charies huging any idea poses i should do :P im running out of steam!:/

pixlesparks’s avatar


I'm spring cleaning right now and then heading to my grandmas for the whole summer! :) working on my fursuit head tonight as long as I want no worrys!:)

pixlesparks’s avatar

day 2 suit update

i got pixles mussle shaped out i just need to find some good strechy material for the balcalva :) and then any one know any good nose ideas i should do im thinking fleece but im not quite shure yet i have all this week to work on foaming her head i got some various sizes of foam if you let me know…

pixlesparks’s avatar

pixle all foam base is at go

I'm wanting to construct a all base fursuit head with a moving jaw if you know any excellent tutorials let me know:) day one foaming today

pixlesparks’s avatar

five dollar con badges!

I'm selling badges for five bucks you pick the design character etc... um I will mail them to you irks about shipping information I will post about that later but just wantedto see if anyone. Would be interested in one:p

pixlesparks’s avatar

making pixles fursuit update pre planing

well im planing on making pixles fursuit im getting my fursuit from distinctive fabrics how ever you spell it! um... i dont know how much to buy for the first part im probally gonna buy two yards at first for the feet head and tail and paws and idk how much after that! my preplaning starting for my…

pixlesparks’s avatar

requests anyone

Hello I'm taking some requests if antyones untreated then ill see about commisionsXD I amgonna make a skype for my watcher