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Avatar for PenyiarWolff


PenyiarWolff / Agender / Somewhere in Space

Just call me "Pen."
Commissions: Sometimes
Trades: Open
Requests: Closed
PenyiarWolff’s avatar

Been Lax Here

Been kinda lax here uploading wise, so gonna upload en-mass a few more things and be done today. Sorry about being rather dead on here, and then suddenly art spam.

PenyiarWolff’s avatar


So, for some reason I keep getting this error from the DNS server that runs my internet. And guess what it keeps doing! Blocking my dA! I was able to fix it for a short while by restarting my computer, but now it's doing it again. So, I have no idea how to solve this. I'll probably google it right…

PenyiarWolff’s avatar

Should Be More Active Now

Band Camp was distracting me from legitimate art all this week, but now it's over. Now rehearsals are only on Mondays and later in the day. Also school is coming up in September, but it's only 7 hours long, compared to Band Camp which was 10 hours long. So, I should be more active then as well, but…

PenyiarWolff’s avatar

Hello :)!

I have arrived here from dA due to the things going on there. While I will still be active there for the time being, I will more thank likely be more active here. I suggest following me here over dA XD. I am currently setting things up here and I hope to enjoy this place :)!