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Avatar for PaulShep


Paul Shep / 33 / Male / Winnipeg, MB, Canada

Eisgekuehlte Bommerlunder!
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TCTG - Feedback

So how are you guys liking the series so far? What's your anticipation for how it continues? What do you like about it? What should I improve on? Feel free to leave your feedback, that is if you have read it all.

PaulShep’s avatar

Hey! Get to know me!

Yeah, I know I jumped on the bandwagon like everyone else, but this seems fun! What's your real name? Bryan How tall are you? 5' 10" or 1.78 m What's your natural hair color? Dirty Blonde What's your eye color? Blue-Grey What's your orientation? Left? Right? Back? Front? Does it matter? Are you sin…