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otherart / Male

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otherart’s avatar

Nine Years Here

It's been nine years since I joined this site. I've been absent for most of that time as I became frustrated at the lack of activity, feedback and the poor design of this site. A lot of time has gone by, a lot has happened during these years I've been away. I had heard some good things about this s…

otherart’s avatar


Thank you everybody for your lack of input. There seems to be a general feedback problem going on here.

otherart’s avatar

My first journal. Yay!

What in the way of art would you like me to submit? I don't know what you want, you have to tell me. There is a lot of stuff I see here that I won't do. I mainly do cute, sometimes with an edge to it. I'll do sexy, but not pornographic. I am open to your suggestions.