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Avatar for opius


opius / 36 / Male / Here

Oh my
Commissions: Filled
Trades: Closed
Requests: Closed
opius’s avatar

pillow fort

Just a quick update for followers: I'm on Pillow Fort now. I'll still be posting here, but older work and reblogs will be available there.

opius’s avatar

Holy shit it's been like a year?

So I just realized, today, that I never updated my status. I guess I should recap the year's events. On the topic of housing: Not homeless! Furthermore, not dead, and not living with my parents. That situation was kind of poisonous to make a long story short. I love my family, but I'm just not capa…

opius’s avatar


So after exhausting craigslist and other resources of information, I find myself in a sort of quandry. I need a place to live. Well, specifically, myself, Cautioncat, and her two lapdogs, are looking for a place to live. It's a tight situation- we've both got reliable jobs.. That don't pay very wel…

opius’s avatar

Wii U

So since CC posted a wiiU journal, I should too. We just picked one up (and the whole profile save thing is silly, IMO, but whatevs!) She neglected to share my info, sooo... You can add my Nintendo ID under Opius134 fun fun o w o