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Avatar for NovaButtz


NovaButtz / Cryptid

Stop praying for my grandpa! You're prayers have made him too strong. He's escaped the hospital and went on a rampage! The cops can't stop him anymore!
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NovaButtz’s avatar

Checking The To-Do

I'm going to look into UAV pilot/mechanical training. That sounds like it's up my alley.

NovaButtz’s avatar

Frighten the Boffins

MFF 2013 was fun. Went to Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado for x-mas. Decided to up the number of books I turnover in a year, so I finished The Hunger Games books in just a week. Working my way through the rest of A Feast For Crows atm. Haven't really drawn in a while. Got some legal…

NovaButtz’s avatar

The Boffer's Metanoia

My thoughts are stars that I cannot fathom into constellations. Every moment is a Bach fugue played polka-style by a traveling flea circus. It greatches out and about beyond the rocky island and squelching the smallest of birds. Lush, I'm returning... Lush.