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Avatar for Mateo


Mateo / 36 / Male / Grand Blanc, Michigan

Requests: Sometimes
Mateo’s avatar

Soooooooo yeah....might advertise my stream here

Pretty much FA and some other art site are apperently getting beef with DA or something. Not really sure on the outcome of it all. Or even believe to be true for that matter! SOOOOOOOO!! Might advertise my stream here on my back up profile Weasyl!! So if anyone is following me on Twitch, then you h…

Mateo’s avatar

I'm going to FA:U BRO! OH YEAH!

That's right! Your favorite livestream gamer and creator of Luna, the slutty husky will be at FA:U this year on August! I'll be attending the Con for the first time! Check out new Art, check out my friends and buddies over skype, even check out the games I heard! GAMES BRO! OH YEAH!!!! Foam........…

Mateo’s avatar

I Livestream Console games! You can be in the spot light!

Basically, I livestream video games from my console! No emulators or steam! If you have an Xbox one, xbox 360, PS3, WiiU, then by all means come poke me about a possible livestream and see what kind of games we have that the both of us could play! It be nice to livestream with some cool people and…