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Avatar for Lynceus Glaciermaw

Lynceus Glaciermaw

Lynceus Glaciermaw / 40 / Male Ice Dralynx / Southern Oregon

"I try."
Commissions: Closed
Trades: Sometimes
Requests: Closed
Lynceus Glaciermaw’s avatar

News and Latest Work: Visual Novels

Luna and I have been very busy working in Ren'Py, a Python code-based visual novel creator. She's working on her story world and I'm helping; we're actually working on two novels, one for each of us. We're focusing on hers first, but I'm doing the writing for mine ahead of time. I am not the most t…

Lynceus Glaciermaw’s avatar

Another birthday...

Well I'm 32 as of Saturday, and I feel like things are changing now. I suppose it's a bit coincidental that I got myself a copy of Cities: Skylines with gift card money because it helped me realize what's going on in my life. You know that point in a city builder game where you're happily chugging…

Lynceus Glaciermaw’s avatar

Back to Work

I dropped off the face of the earth for the last month and a half on my usual annual temp layoff, but I'm back in the lab... for anyone who cares. Spent most of my "vacation" helping Luna with her personal project, and didn't really do anything of my own artwise. I don't know, I feel like I've had…

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Attention Pyro-jockeys! Remember when we all collectively cried when Descent 4 was canned and its code was recycled into making Red Faction? Remember when we thought the series would never recover from the three-way blood feud between Interplay, Parallax and Volition (at least I thought something l…