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Avatar for krechevskoy


Krechevskoy Faith / 33 / Male / Moore, OK

I has paws, they has claws!
Commissions: Open
Trades: Sometimes
Requests: Sometimes
krechevskoy’s avatar

Regarding Weasyl

I think I'll be taking my leave for a while... at least until this site has pushed a good ways out of Beta. You can find me over at InkBunny for now. Weasyl has a lot of eye candy. I don't think anyone would disagree. However, putting presentation aside, the implementation of most systems are reall…

krechevskoy’s avatar

Lets get this show on the road!

Alright, so I've got myself a Weasyl, and I think I've more or less got my profile setup... Time to get to posting, browsing, and just generally enjoying the site!