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Avatar for Idle


Idle / nonbinary / my house

hfgsgsgdsggdsfs peenids
Commissions: Open
Trades: Open
Idle’s avatar

well hi there

heyheyhey, long time no see! i'm sorry i've been so inactive on here, i just kind of forgot about this website, aha. also, i changed my username! i used to be SchizophrenicEevee, but that was getting old and reminded me of a phase i went through i refuse to talk about, so i changed it to idle which…

Idle’s avatar

Got a DeviantArt I won't be as active on here now. Also I'd like to apologise about how GIGANTIC some of my submissions are, a lot of my submissions I draw on my phone and I don't have a professional camera for taking pictures so I have to use my phone for that too. Sorry.