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Avatar for HyBruh


BIG BOOPER / 34 / Male / Ohio

Ayy lmao//Love no thotties/v.futursitc
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HyBruh’s avatar

This new icon though

It just speaks to me, blessed smoke. Very blessed. I just like on weasyl we have the opportunity to show things like this.

HyBruh’s avatar


HyBruh’s avatar

Soapboxin: Bruh your nose is at a really high angle

I dont get whats the point of being stuck up, especially in nerd culture (gonna focus on furry here). Don't get me wrong here I can understand the fact of avoiding CERTAIN groups and people. But all in all im talking about like for say you are an artist, and you just look down on people who are not…

HyBruh’s avatar

Im going to sound like a dick here.

Based on my expierence on this website and irl examples. I would rather hang out with bros (non ceepy) type then most people in nerd/geek culture. From my expierence, at least bros are welcoming and such, even the most whitebread truckin bros would keep open arms for a dude like me. When it came to…

HyBruh’s avatar

Nexus 7 x Weasyl

Looks too fucking good. FA should implement thishahahahahaahahahahhahah. Na

HyBruh’s avatar


*young jeezy voice* YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAH That it

HyBruh’s avatar

ahahahahahhahahahahahahahah HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA hahahahahah

HyBruh’s avatar


I like this site already. Its p.legit