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Avatar for EccentricChimera


EccentricChimera / 39 / Male / North Carolina

"Hi! How are you doing today?"
Commissions: Open
Trades: Sometimes
Requests: Closed
EccentricChimera’s avatar

And...Almost Done!

Okay, just about done with the updates for this account! Now I just need to submit my stories, modify the artist comments and tags downloaded from FA, make sure every picture looks decent, and then make a banner for my front page, and then I'll be set! Oh, also I might go ahead and do one of those…

EccentricChimera’s avatar

Still Updating!

Okay, I'm partially through my gallery now! Time to submit some more stuff. I'll be up to date before you know it!

EccentricChimera’s avatar

New on Weasyl

Wow, Weasyl is pretty nice, and very easy to work with. I might end up making this my main art site as well...