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Avatar for dragonartw


dragonartw / 33 / Male / Chile

Commissions: Closed
Trades: Closed
Requests: Closed
dragonartw’s avatar

Hello, I'm there

Hi, guys. I'm back me. Sorry for lack of Activity. I'm not going upload to all submit my artworks and pics. Thank you :3

dragonartw’s avatar

I'm back me!

I'm back me to FA and weasyl! :3 Dragon hugs everyone <3

dragonartw’s avatar

FA is back

YAY! Finally, FA site is Back! :3 I'm going to sleep, tomorrow submit my 2 artwork requests in my gallery of FA Good night! :3

dragonartw’s avatar

FA Good news :D

Update: Our host has stated they're waiting on their NetEng director to approve our IP release. Good news! :3 YAY! I'm glad for hope Fa is soon back :D <3