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Avatar for Demon2fox


Demon2fox / 33 / Female / Long Island, NY

I'm the Hammer to your Shell!
Trades: Open
Requests: Open
Demon2fox’s avatar

Wow, Been a year since i visited

Hey all i figured ill poke my head in with ppl coming to weasyl more now that fa's been taken over by imvu. im still over in FA, i see no reason to jump ship ya know? anyway ill start up loading again my works improved ^.^ and i hope your curiosity invites you to take a look at more of my stuff or…

Demon2fox’s avatar

New Years First Journal

So I figured, I should right a Journal For the new year so here it is and its on a good note. [b] My first and Only Resolution[/b] at this time was to get a promotion at work. - it's already happening :D. I just got my Commercial Driver's Permit on Tuesday, This means i can finally start training a…