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Avatar for Claudia Vi'al

Claudia Vi'al

Claudia Vi'al

Commissions: Closed
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Claudia Vi'al’s avatar

Hello World

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey Everybody! So where the fuck have I been for two weeks? Well to…

Claudia Vi'al’s avatar

Hello Again World!

So I am back onto these places! As you all may have seen art is being released here instead of on FA because I'm still leaving FA as a dead site However releases will happen here around the weekends that's Friday - Monday with how everything is set up. Thank you for joining me and I hope you all en…

Claudia Vi'al’s avatar

Hello World!

So this is my first journal on here. My ultimate goal is to migrate away from FA and I hope you'll all join me! Thank you for viewing! Maybe more to come? I dunno.