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Avatar for LovingGigaDaedreamer


CalicoTediz / Nonbinary

"Its called the Fuck Fuck Game"
Trades: Sometimes
Requests: Sometimes
LovingGigaDaedreamer’s avatar

Okay so...

I'm going to be working on a story as well as working on species in my world. The Daedreams and their smaller cousins are something I'm going to be working on along with werewolves and the werewolf kingdom. JD also may get attention and his looks a bit more fixed as I like the idea hes something we…

LovingGigaDaedreamer’s avatar

So a votey vote

okay so i got my sound system up and running finally. Got my mic and so on. I put up a poll on my twitter in order to see what would be a good start to work on. After all I have a ton of characters who need their own thing as well as the world i am working on. The world itself is a mix of steampunk…

LovingGigaDaedreamer’s avatar

Please Ignore Character List

Please ignore this, this is a character list of mine so i have these for future reference of my characters for my many projects Anthromorphic Animals Cooper- dingo - Male Anna- Kangaroo- Female Benjamin (deer) - male Jayden- flying fox-Female Jessica- cow- Female Lazarus- Polpir tapir - Male Lilith…