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AshtonHunter’s avatar

signal boosting for a friend

My good buddy Rock got into a program to get some muchly needing schooling to allow him a job. The problem is while the 'classes' themselves are free, he has to take public transit to and from and has to pay for meals there. Long and short of it is if he can go? He can get a better job nearly for s…

AshtonHunter’s avatar


I don't know how many of you read my journals or if you know me or my friend bastion bastion but he's in a really bad way right now. Apparently things in his country are breaking down hard and it's sounding like outright civil war is going down. I'm trying right now desperately to find a way to get…

AshtonHunter’s avatar

Swat Kats! ALL OF MY SIGNAL BOOST. I don't know how many other kids at heart out there grew up with this show but I put it up there with batman the animated series and animaniacs for my favorites. Seriously a freaking awesome show and I'd lo…

AshtonHunter’s avatar

Signal boost- bastion/team smiley cat

So a good buddy of mine is part of a team called smiley cat. They've been working on a pretty nice comic and some other stuff but they're needing a bit more support to keep it going. I thought I'd spread around this. I plan to chip i…