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Avatar for Arctic-Sekai


Arctic-Sekai / Female / South Jersey Shore

Commissions: Open
Trades: Closed
Requests: Closed
Arctic-Sekai’s avatar

2010-2011 Flooding

Might happen today; however, I'm having difficultly determining if I want to upload a handful of commissions here or not; I don't really want this account becoming a slave to commissions and my art is lost again -______- we'll see I suppose. Might just cherry pick UPDATE: 2010 uploads are complete.…

Arctic-Sekai’s avatar

2008-2009 Flood

This concludes the 2008-2009 upload flood. I'll give you all a break for now ;3 <3 A.s.

Arctic-Sekai’s avatar

2007 Flood

Uploading my gallery in order... starting with 2006/2007 stuffies :3 I'm done for tonight; enjoy the blast from the past <3 A.s.

Arctic-Sekai’s avatar

:o Hai

I think I'm liking it here; its awfully shiny :3 I'll spruce up my gallery in a bit. I really think I want to reserve this account for my personal works along with some much needed comic development. We will see- for now, surviving Hurricane-Sandy! -A.s.