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To Flight Rising followers: [closed] by Shibara

EDIT: Closed.

A long while ago, I got into FR cause a friend told me people were selling commissions over there so it looked like a promising field. I promptly got sucked in by the game and forgot all about work, until just now, when bibliotecaria-d just asked how that had gone (my answer being “Ah… about that… <:D”).

So here: I’m offering Flight Rising commissions.

I want to make some sample art at first, so I’ll be taking only two slots for headshot/busts for about 10$ (sketch) or 15$ (polished).

Commissions later will be more expensive, but for the time being I need to have something to gauge how much time/effort they’ll take.

So there. Send a mail to to claim a slot and send a link to your dragon/moneys. I’ll probably work on these btw tonight and what’s left of December.

I’ll make another post when these are taken and edit this one to let everyone know.

Cheers, and happy holidays!

To Flight Rising followers: [closed]


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  • Link

    Happy holidays to you as well! :D

    • Link

      Thanks ^^

      • Link

        You're welcome! :)

  • Link

    are you offering the style of the game, or just bits of art FOR the game? I haven't played, but it's very pretty

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      Hi, I meant as fanart of your game characters.
      Tho Im jsut realizing I forgot to close this over here, my apologies. >__<"