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[IMPORTANT] Winter Reboot by The Fire Tiger

So, you probably haven't heard of me in a loooooooooooooooooooooong while. Well, that's about to change.

Starting January (or Christmas if I'm lucky) I am going to rewrite all my stories and start writing new ones as well. It was pretty expected of me anyway. School has literally taken all of my creative energy, so I thought I'd take up all of my summer vacation after my classes are completely over and dedicate it to just writing.

I'm going to wipe my entire gallery tonight. The only stories that are going to be re-released will be Existence and Desire, while having small fixes. Other than that, everything else that isn't a story stays. (And yes, this means The Road to El Fur-ado will be delayed drastically, but I never had the time to draw anything lately :v)

I'm still trying to work out a schedule so that I can release stories on a regular basis until around March, where I'm going to start studying in a technical school. (read: pseudo-university)

Until then~!

[IMPORTANT] Winter Reboot

The Fire Tiger

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