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Crossposting? by Rotarr

Slowly i'm getting really attached to this side. It's lovely made and very handy (with a few bugs here and there, but's new - what to expect. I think the stuff here does a great job ;D)

Anyway...I wonder if anybody here uses this side as main gallery?

Or is everbody just crossposting from other sides?



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    This is my exclusive gallery now, my FA account is dead.

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      Ah so it really happens that people leave FA. No wonder actually :/

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        FA has been going downhill for a while now and it was time for a change.

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          Totally agreed. I just hoped that FA would see Weasyl as competition to improve their own side. But nothing is happening...too bad. I used to like FA - and I actually still do. But it gets really annoying.

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            I think the only thing they've really done so far to compete is make a new UI pretty much really close to Weasyl's.

            Used to be able to see it through but apparently it's pass-protected now :| it just looks like Weasyl's design with a FA color touch (and broken CSS)

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              Wow...that sounds so cheap. FA wat r u doin? STAHP!

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    I'm using this as a main gallery.

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      Aw. Then I will follow you here :>

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    Right now, this is my main one; FA is currently inactive (unless things there change for the better), and DA has just gotten too bloated and stagnant. Glad to have found you here! :)

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      In that case >I< am glad that you found me :) Otherwise i would have miss all your splendid art!

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    I'm crossposting here with FA and DA but I love some features here like the Comission prices on the main page *_*

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      Folders sind ja auch so geil X) Warum ist FA nur so hinten nach?

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        Japp Folders sind überhaupt sehr wichtig finde ich und kein must have aber nett wäre auch noch ne Namensänderungsfunktion XD

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          Das mit der Namensänderung hängt davon ab wie die Seite grundsätzlich aufgebaut ist. Auf FA wirds diese funktion wohl nie geben, weil die das eeeecht doof angegangen sind XD

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    I'm going to be using it as my main gallery. The 'crossposting' will be on other sites, they will get a bit of a delay when I open commissions here and submissions will go there last. Also, I will do little personal commentary and stuff here and prob not on other sites.

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      A good reason for me to keep my weasyl account active - so i don't miss your stuff :)

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    Hmm, main gallery? ich gebe ungern den Vorzug, weil ich auf dA anfing und dann aufgrund von bekanntschaften ist man plötlich überall registriert ^^'

    Aber ich glaube so richtig kann man ne Main Gallery garnicht definieren, wenn man überall alles hochlädt oder?

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      Oh ich finde schon, die Main Gallery ist jene auf die man zuerst hochläd und auf der man journals schreibt usw. Auch Commissions laufen meistens über das "lieblings-portal" - aber erhalten kann man sich natürlich alle ;D Is nur ein haufen arbeit...

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        Ja wem sagst du das >.> Wenn man alle paar tage ein bild hat geht das ja noch, aber wenn man anfängt jeden tag was zu machen, kannst echt lästig werden D: need crosspost feature !!!

        Uuund *pokepoke* Wie gehts dir sonst so? *poke* :3

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    Pretty much I do, I keep around my FA for the memories.

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      Yeah...could never let go of FA because of that either

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    I use it as a main now. I'm too disgusted with FA to feel like signing onto it most days :/

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      Yeah...some strange things going on on FA sometimes. But that could happen on any site. It's the people, you know :/

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        I'll stop using Weasyl if Dragoneer somehow takes it over, heh.

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          Some people juuuust can't handle power. Yeah X)

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    Personally I'm shifting my main gallery here, uploading some old art from old sites (because I haven't done much new art recently) and probably exclusively posting my art here now. Been disappointed with FA for a long time now but really hadn't had an alternative until a friend gave me an invite to Weasyl a few weeks ago (before they opened up free beta). Seems like the devs here are doing a badass job and I have high hopes.