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Feeling Sick... by PrincessofAsgard29

I have this queazy feeling in my stomach right now. :( My mom has been really rude to me lately, and I do not understand why! I'm still trying to understand it... But everything I do (even though I'm doing everything she wants ) I just seem to feel like she yells at me and only me too much. :( :( I just want to hide up in my room all the time, and not show my face towards her for a while. :( But no I will be criticized at doing that too. If she's just going to yell at me that is. I was supposed to make this important phone call for my volunteer place, saying if I can drop a certain piece of paper off. Once they examine that, I'm good to volunteer. But, I feel ill like I've mentioned.

My mom expects me to do all these things- but I'm fairly new at it. Like these jobs for example. I don't know what to say or do when I'm at a interview, and when my parents place pressure on me...I just panic. I burst into tears crying sometimes. :( I think I need medicine for stress/ anxiousness. Cause I do tend to get unstable at some points in my life. Like today for example.

I told my mom (In the kindest way possible) That I had enough of her being rude and mean to me...That wasn't too terrible right? :( I'm doing everything she asks, for but I still get criticized rudely by her. And I feel like nobody really understands how upset I am. Especially my friends. I text my friends about how I feel and sometimes they kind of understand, but if I'm crying or something it's just awkward.

It's not at all I'm saying my mom is horrible- but she can be really rude to me sometimes. And I just don't want to handle that anymore...Oh how much I wish to move out. :(


Feeling Sick...


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