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Monthly(and hopefully weekly from now on) update. by LudoCrow

The News

So the last month has been... well, a bit of an handful and didn't go quite as much as I planned. But this said I'm now making progress both in therapy and artwork.
Right now, almost all of my Patreon rewards are completed and formatted for posting and thus only waiting only for the backers' response before getting on to do that. Expect more artwork to be posted soon as a result ^^

Recent Artwork and Commissions

Kind of decided to simply rename this section since I wasn't updating the queue as well as I should have when, for what matters, I am currently always open for commissions. Plus, it allows me to showcase a bit more, especially if I manage to keep this journal updated weekly rather than monthly :)
So without further ado:

Recent Commissions:
-Onom Onom
A fluffy werewolf sketch

-Shaytalis Shaytalis
Zorah, the cursed mask's corvid witch queen spirit completely possessing her current host

-SShaytalis Shaytalis
More Zorah, showing off and done using a tweaked version of my digital paint style

Monthly Patreon Painting:
Updated monthly. Patreon backers get access to the current month's reward as soon as completed.
-A mystical crystal, done as the painting for November's Patreon

Patreon Rewards:
Last month Patreon's sketch rewards. Next update should include December's :)
-A wererodent seeing their reflection in a mirror
-A fearsome werechihuahua!
-A sometime Kirin's male form with their beard grown for Movember
-An anthrohyena making bread
-Lori from Big Wolf on Campus as a werewolf:
-Carboard Sketch-A female werewolf howling as she changes
-Cardboard Sketch-A female mouse, holding her precious wheel of cheese

Recent Scribbles
A Weasyl exclusivity, those are small scribbles I recently produced and decided to share here thanks to the relatively seamless upload process which doesn't require me to do much formatting of my work.
Those are generally all done fast, without any regard to really be more than a quickly done unpolished scribble but I felt they might still be of interest to some:

Commissions and Patreons Infos

If you happen to be interested in a commission, please do take a gander at my pricelist and drop me an email at so we can discuss out your needs and other details!
Commission Pricelist

If you aren't interested in a commission or can't afford one but still wishes to support my work, there is always my Patreon where for 1$ to 5$ per month you have access to most exclusive artwork I will be posting there for backers:

Monthly(and hopefully weekly from now on) update.


Journal Information

