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Why Happy Holidays? by D'Otter

You know how they used to call it "Christmas," but now they call it "The Holidays?" Here's a list of the holidays. (Some of them are not Christian and some are public occasions instead of holy days.) There are a total of forty five.

Advent , Hanukkah, Saint Nicholas Day , Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Rohatsu/Bodhi Day , Feast Day of the Apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Advent Fast , Monkey Day, Posadas Navidenas, Yule (Christian), Yule (Pagan), Milad un Nabi (or Mawlid an-Nabi), Winter Solstice, Asara B'Tevet, Humanlight, Festivus, Christmas Adam, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Feast of St Stephen, Wren Day, Zarathosht Diso, Kwanzaa, National Whiners Day, Feast of the Holy Family, Holy Innocents, New Year's Eve, Watch Night, New Year's Day, Mary Mother of God, World Day of Peace, Feast of the Circumcision of Christ, Feast of St Basil, Gantan-sai, Global Family Day, Day After New Year's Day, New Year Holiday, Handsel Monday, Twelfth Night, Guru Gobind Singh's Birthday, National Bird Day, Epiphany, Nativity of Christ , Orthodox Christmas Day and Orthodox New Year

TL/DR And that's why "The Holidays" instead of just "Christmas." Sorry for the wall of text.

Why Happy Holidays?


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