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Rubberkunktoo State of Affairs! by RubberSkunkAlso

Hey everybody! Since folks have been asking a lot of questions about what I'm working on, I figure it's best to just come out with a public announcement concerning Macho Mac, commissions, and my general activity here in a furry context. As you might have noticed, I found myself participating in several video game projects this spring! It's been exciting to do and a lot of fun, but getting used to doing art for a medium I'm not used to has taken some getting used to. Macho Mac in particular proved to be very ambitious for a first project, to the point that what I expected to have finished in August ended up being postponed in order to work on Trigger Treat, which was intended to be released for Halloween. Luckily, my work for that game was finished in time.
Unfortunately, by the time Halloween rolled around, some other complications came up. My roommates and I had just relocated to a bigger apartment. It took up a lot of time, physically, and also drained the savings I'd built up over the past year. While we waited for our ISP to transfer internet service to the new apartment, I had to take animation commissions in lieu of streaming. A couple of you have been waiting on me to finish what you paid for, which brings me to my next little surprise--the laptop I've been working on has been slowly dying all the while.
Last year, my computer expired unexpectedly, and needing a new one to continue making rent, I quickly bought the cheapest refurbished model I could find. My haste has caught up to me now, and in the past week it's gotten to the point that I can only run a single program for a few hours at a time.
So, now to explain where things stand. Trigger Treat, for the few people interested, is out of my hands at the moment, I don't know when it'll be released. However, work on Macho Mac is next on the list. Four out of six characters remain to be drawn, which I expect to happen in January or February. After that, it's a question of finding distribution. Enjoy the holidays in the meantime! I ask for people waiting on commissions to be patient as well, since Flash, the program I use to animate, has proved to be too intensive for my computer in its weakened state. Over the holidays, I'll be saving up money in order to build a brand-new, fully functioning rig, which I expect to have up and running around New Year's. Even still, I'm not one to give up, and I'll be exploring other options to get work done in the meantime. Streams are still on, for the time being. If a streaming program is too much, I may open up for traditional commissions again. Gotta put bread on the table!
That's the long and short of it! TLDR, I have a lot of shit going on, you might have to wait a month to see me make stuff again. Thanks for reading and following my work! Happy December!

Rubberkunktoo State of Affairs!


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  • Link

    Jeez louise, best of luck with everything!

    • Link

      I think it'll work out, managing crises is the bulk of life after all! Thanks though!