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What a week! by thatlittlegoblin

So after an otherwise totally healthy pregnancy, I went from "will deliver as expected" to "we need to induce" to "we need to preform a c-section" in less than the course of 12 hours. Nobody saw it coming so there really aren't words to describe how thankful I am that everything turned out well, despite the suddenness of it all.

My health is okay, but could be better. I'm on blood pressure medication but healing well otherwise. Staying in the hospital was like being trapped in a vortex of stress. The staff weren't at fault, in fact I'd recommend the facility to anyone expecting- they're all very attentive and provide excellent care. I was just tired and stressed out and feeling trapped there, plus you know how well "try to relax" works as advice.

Bab is healthy as can be & our neighbors definitely know we have a baby now (those lungs! LOL)
As of now, everything is going well- all of us just need rest & time alone for a while.

What a week!


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  • Link

    Congratulations! So happy for y'all and I'm glad everything went well! :D

    Now the fun part begins lol.

    • Link

      It'll suck less when I'm done healing haha. I was really hoping to avoid surgery but EH shit happens!

      • Link

        Word, my mom went through the same stages when she had me haha. I hope you heal well and quickly :)

  • Link

    I'm so glad you are all okay! Congratulations on the new family member!!!

    • Link

      Thank you! 8D I'm still recovering but at least I'm recovering well!

  • Link

    Congratulations \o/

  • Link

    Glad to hear you're doing well, and fingers crossed you recover quickly from it all! Congratulations on becoming a mother, and best of luck to you all for the future!

    • Link

      Thanks Tal! I've got one month til my next follow up but everything seems to be going well so far- healing just takes time is all.

  • Link

    Glad to hear it all went well, even if not how it was expected!

    • Link

      Yeah! Considering the circumstances I'm kinda lucky. They kept me in the hospital for two extra days (5 in total) bc my blood pressure was (and is) still wonky. Started recovering much faster once they just let me go home. = o=

  • Link

    Oh wow, I'm just glad that you're well! And that the babby is fine!

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    The important thing is that the both you and the baby are fine and healthy. Glad to hear you were all able to pull through! Hope Lil'face is doing alright! (Yes that's what I'm calling your child and you can't stop me)

    • Link

      Hahaha, he's just fine- hell he's doing like 20x better than I am (he lost about 1lb in the hospital and has gained it almost all back in less than a week) which is good!

      Surgery sucks, sudden emergency surgery sucks just a liiittle bit more.