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Happy Fun Times! by Sorien

Yesterday, Monday the 26th I woke at about 1 PM with a sensation like severe gas. I went to the bathroom for the probable solution, but afterwards the pain, which started at the center of my abdomen, moved down and right. It also moved WAY up in intensity. After some web-searches and dithering, I decided that it was real likely I had appendicitis.

I called my friend Dave, whom I knew was working from home for a lift to the ER at Hennepin County Medical Center, and got in relatively quickly- crying and hyperventilating from pain and fear will do that. It didn't take long for them to decide that, yep, it was appendicitis, and the little bugger had to come out.

I went to surgery around 10 PM, and was out about two hours later. I woke confused and pissed off (my usual reaction to anesthetics), but settled down soon enough.

It went well, and I am now sans-appendix. The procedure was laparoscopic, with three teeny incisions on the left side of my abdomen for the camera and instruments. My pain is gone... Well, kinda. I now have a gut that is badly bruised and tender, and DAMN it hurts when I cough. But, this is WAY better than the ranked 8 and going to 9 pain that I had when I got here!

As I type this I'm technically 'under observation', which basically means I'm sitting on my ass waiting for them to decide to issue my release papers. My folks will get me home, and thereafter I will be likely to go to bed and sleep it off as much as possible.

So that's been my two days. How about yours?

Happy Fun Times!


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    Well my last two days have been substantially better o-o

    Feel better you :C That sounds horrible

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    I think I've only had worse pain once- when I broke my hand. And that was a lot more transitory.