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Back? Read Me. by v--r

Okay so I'm back from the (week?) long hiatus. Possibly just shy of an actual week but whatever it's much more impressive than when I would normally try to do a hiatus and just end up lasting one day before coming back.

Anyway I've had time to reflect on a lot and unfortunately didn't end up drawing too much but if you were paying attention to my Twitter you might have seen some... naughty stuffs. My bamboo tablet has officially been retired so due to that and the fact I can't use my laptop for drawing for too long since it makes me sick; that means the amount of 2D art I do on here has dropped from rarely to in a blue moon status until I can manage to finally get a new drawing tablet (which I'm hoping will be sooner than later).

During my hiatus I've had time to think about my art and where it's going and I've come to a realization that I shouldn't be making so much fanart so that unfortunately means that I'll most likely be not making as much VOCALOIDs or UTAUs or Anime characters; I doubt I'll entirely stop making them though since I have a few I still want to do. I need to start focusing up again on making my own characters and stuff so hopefully you'll be seeing more 100% scratch stuff and hopefully the revival of my babies.

Um I think that's about all I needed to say in regards of my hiatus time so now onto submitting all of the stuff that got submitted during my hiatus automatically on deviantART so expect some content! (Weasyl really needs to get scheduled submissions).

Back? Read Me.


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